14. The company has the right to deduct from any payment made by the company that must be paid by the contractor in accordance with this contract or by law from all funds that the company is entitled to the contractor under this contract. 6. The company states that it is registered as a vessel company as the principal employer under the Contract Labour (Regulation – Abolition) Act 1970. 8. This amount includes wages and other benefits that are paid to workers that it makes available to the company from time to time and that the current workforce requires, and that the company is not responsible for paying the same. However, if the company is required to pay an amount to the worker as a primary employer under an order (including the rules or regulations included), the contractor should reimburse the contractor within 15 days of the date of the company`s application. The request must be written down. In addition, the contractor undertakes to compensate the company for such an amount and losses, costs and expenses that the company must bear as a result of this damage. 6. Where the company finds that a worker provided by the contractor is unable to perform the work in question satisfactorily or is not physically able to perform the work in question, the contractor removes such a worker from the service and replaces another worker in his place. The company`s complaint is final and accepted as justified by the contractor or by the employee. c.

When the company is placed into voluntary or judicial liquidation. 25. The staff member mandated by the contractor is solely responsible for the scrupulous compliance with the contractual conditions and operates under the control and control of the contractor. It should be noted that this agreement does not establish a relationship between the staff employed through the contractor and management. CONSIDERING that, on the first part, the party requires the services of an expert contractor; AND CONSIDERING that the party of the second party has approached the party of the first part and offered its services for this purpose, with the certainty that it has the equipment, expertise, skills and opportunities to provide quality services. 27. In the event of disagreement between the company and the contractor over this agreement and the implementation of the company manager`s decision, the contractor is definitively and binding. This is agreed by and between the parties in the following way.

18. Any worker to be provided by the contractor may not be less than 25 years of age and no more than 55 years of age, and the holder must receive a medical certificate for each worker and present to the company that he is not suffering from a serious illness and that he is physically fit to perform the prescribed work. 12. If a statutory compensation for the worker provided by the contractor is not appropriate or is not incompatible with the employment service or, if applicable, is not made available, the company will make it available within the statutory time frame and the contractor is obliged to bear the costs he has incurred at the company`s request.