The truth in advertising balances the droll with hope and Glib with the heart. This idea seemed so funny that he couldn`t help but smile. And Pratt is suddenly macho, charming and funny; A Han Solo for the Facebook generation. But unlike True Detective, it was also funny, playful, weird, invigorating and creative. Ronson himself – questioning, funny, more than a little cheesy – is the self-deprecating leader and hero of these adventures. If she were French, she would have said, “But, Lord, you`re funny. Funny things have been called “little lightness,” and apparently they should create cheerfulness. What could be more painful away from Drollery than his efforts to be funny? And as an enigmatic front man of an avant-garde indie rock band, he is funny, perceptible and delightfully comic. Yesterday was exactly the day I like best – a spicy, unexpected, fun day – capped off by a fun adventure. French dréle, Dréle scamp, central France, the centre of the country, you use this word over and over again.

I don`t think that means what you think.