When you purchase goods or services, including the use of funds from home care packages, you have consumer rights under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). These rights are the same whether they purchase home care or services directly or receive a publicly funded home care package. Are there differences between publicly funded and privately funded care services? The first step is to call My Aged Care. You will have a few questions asked via the phone to help you, or your loved one, determine the needs and care of your loved one. This may take about 10 minutes. We recommend that you have your Medicare card number at your fingertips. You can also create an online recommendation for your loved one. Just download our brochure to make a recommendation to My Aged Care. Read our article `3 Steps to Start Your My Aged Care Journey` for more information. The next phase of the application process will be a personal evaluation. To learn more about this assessment, click here. If you have any further questions, please contact us today on 1300 23 63 82.

Find out how a Home Care Package can keep you active and independent in your home. We help you understand where you are going, what to do and what is available. If something gets too hard or confused, call us. We learn your personal story and how to help you. You do not need a solution in mind — that is our task. Just tell us about your situation and we can make suggestions to improve and improve your independence. Sheila`s Home Care Package Services means it can stay at home If you have selection issues, service providers like Benetas can speed up your agreement or you can apply for a 28-day extension via My Aged Care. If you have any doubts about your past care services or how you are being treated, you should contact the Pension Commission online or call 1800 951 822. Once your funding is approved, you must enter into a home care contract with your chosen provider. A home care package is a state-funded care and service package that helps you live independently in your own home.

It was designed to meet your personal needs – whether it involves a lot of support or a bit. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) The ACCC has created 2 consumer guides to help you understand your home care rights: please note that if you need help while waiting for your home retirement home and care, you can benefit from instant and self-funded help from providers such as Benetas. To ask us online or call 1300 23 63 82. You will receive a third letter from My Aged Care telling you that your package will be assigned to you, and it is time to choose a service provider and enter into a home-care contract (a written agreement between you and your supplier, which lists the services you will access). This letter confirms that you can now use your Home Care package and explains the level of the package assigned to you. There are four levels of parcels, ranging from Level 1 (basic requirements) to level 4 (high-level care needs). A form contract or a standard contract should be a balance of rights and obligations for you and the supplier. A standard form contract is “unfair” if it grants more rights to a supplier than you and is not necessary to protect the supplier.

Our fully supported care management option includes our comprehensive support for planning, coordinating and booking your home care services. Together, we make decisions about how money is spent and monitor your budget. Government-funded home care packages are for seniors who need additional services to help them stay at home. However, there is no minimum age requirement. You may also be eligible if you are a younger person with a disability, dementia or other care needs that are not met by specialized services. Your financial situation has no influence on your right, however, you have