All EA customers will have access to SRP benefits, foreign service and learning resources under the EA agreement. In addition, programs such as CoE are additional services for EAs, as defined in the EA agreement. A new version is triggered when a new product category is added to the existing list of enterprise infrastructure categories. Version 2.0 refers to the current active list of products for which customers are allowed by default under an enterprise contract. The enterprise agreement with OSIsoft will support Mitsubishi`s Digital Transformation initiative, as Mitsubishi can use OSIsoft`s wider IP system. The first phase of this agreement will enable Mitsubishi Chemical to improve safety and optimize maintenance costs by using real-time data for operational excellence and decision-making at selected plants. Ultimately, it`s about using real-time data infrastructure to improve operations at many existing Mitsubishi plants and in new sites planned abroad throughout the company. Take advantage of access to experienced OSIsoft engineers with long corporate experience in our industry and in your industry. You work with you on a number of important opportunities: OSIsoft`s CoE expert group provides strategic consulting services to Enterprise Agreement clients based on years of experience in making the IP system available.

A team of PI System experts – engineers carefully selected to match your industry and business profile – will work with your team to develop a detailed business architecture, lay the groundwork for best practices and deliver priority business initiatives. Additional offers can be added to an EA for an additional fee or purchased separately depending on the license model of the offer. For more information, contact the OSISoft Account Manager. A complementary product such as PI Integrator for Arc GIS is not included by default in the enterprise agreement. For this, an additional fee is charged. Talk to your Account Manager for more details. The list below contains the full list of products included in version 2.0 of the enterprise infrastructure and mentioned in all EA agreements. Here is a list of our EA service packages via OSIsoft, LLC.

OSIsoft was founded in 1980 and focused on one goal: to develop software that transforms data flows from critical processes of sensors, devices and industrial processes into real-time insights to help people save money, save lives, increase productivity and create connected products. More than 1,000 distribution companies, 80% of the world`s largest oil and gas companies and 65% of Fortune 500 companies rely on OSIsoft`s IP system and other OSIsoft technologies. Worldwide, more than 2 billion sensor-based data streams are managed by the IP system. For more information, see As an Enterprise Agreement customer, you benefit from the ongoing collaboration of an assigned OSIsoft program manager. It will work with your organization to introduce your IP System data infrastructure, with a focus on implementing your key initiatives.