114/366: Quite long Saturday beginning with great #breakfast in french bistro Oh-la-la in #Holesovice, then 30km #run through Sarka, lost my phone in #Troja while watching @kacakudejova winning in #kayakslalom then someone found my phone:-) and finally visiting #planetariumpraha and watching story about Hayabusa with @verunkavalent.
112/366: Sunny afternoon #easyrun. #holesovice, #run, #running, #runshots, #runner, #gopro, #goprohero, #bestoftheday, #newbalance, #training, #trainhard, #sunset, #stromovka
102/366: Public transportation in #Prague can be fun! From #Karlin to #Holesovice unexpectedly by #ferryboat in 2 minutes. #ferry, #boat, #bestoftheday, #gopro, #goprohero.
94/366: Our #urbangarden is ready for the season: #peas, #spinach, #coriander, #dill, #mint. To be continued… #holesovice, #praha7, #urbangardering, #gardering, #garden, #gopro, #goprohero, #bestoftheday.
78/366: Just visited brand new #barbershop in #holesovice: @pepesbarbershop. I can, without a doubt recommend! #haircut, #shaving, #razor, #cologne, #balm, #barber, #razorshaving
72/366: Checking out the local #streetart in the morning and finally enjoying the same movie in the evening with @verunkavalent & @deadpoolmovie. #deadpool, #marvel, #holesovice, #praha7
44/366: Almost every #easyrun or #longrun are starting here. It is quite #hiddenpath and in a 20 minutes you are in #Sarka, absolutely opposite word: #forrest, #elevation, #rockypath. Also the ŠUTR72 ultra race will take place here in May 2016:-) #RunShots, #longrun, #trailrun, #trail, #holesovice
31/366: Celebrating finishing my first instamonth with morning #americano & #flatwhite in our favorite #holesovice spot @labottegatusarova with @verunkavalent. #morningcoffee, #coffee, #praguecoffee
Dneska jsme mimo tradiční pravidelnou dopolední návštěvu holešovického trhu, stihli i vystát frontu na krásné steaky z tuňáka. Měli tam asi tak 50kg macka v celku, kterého naporcovali a postupně během několika hodin rozprodali. Pořídili jsme 2 krásné stejky, jak je vidět na fotkách.
Skoro to vypadá, že neděláme nic jiného, než se jenom cpeme… No, je to tak:-) Tentokrát jsme vyrazili na Golf Yacht, u Libeňského mostu, koupili jsme voucher na degustační menu, které vypadalo dobře. Nezklamalo. Moderní česká kuchyně byla výtečná. Obsluha taky na jedničku, jenom nás posadili na kancelářské…