Trademark License Agreement Termination: A Guide for Businesses

A trademark license agreement is a legal contract between two parties that allows one party to use the trademark of the other party in exchange for a fee or other considerations. Such agreements are common in various business transactions, including franchising, distributorship, and licensing deals.

However, not all trademark license agreements end well. Sometimes, one party may breach the agreement, or the parties may decide to terminate it for other reasons. In such cases, it is essential to understand the legal implications of terminating a trademark license agreement.

Reasons for Termination

The reasons for terminating a trademark license agreement may vary, depending on the circumstances. Here are some common causes:

Breach of Contract: If one party violates the terms of the agreement, such as failing to pay the agreed fee or using the trademark in a way that harms the owner`s reputation, the other party may have a right to terminate the agreement.

Mutual Agreement: Sometimes, both parties may agree to terminate the agreement for various reasons, such as a change in business strategy or a new ownership structure.

Bankruptcy: If the licensee becomes bankrupt or insolvent, the licensor may terminate the agreement.

Expiration: If the agreement has a fixed term, it may terminate automatically at the end of that term unless both parties agree to renew it.

Termination Process

A trademark license agreement should include provisions that govern the termination process. Typically, the agreement will specify how and when either party can terminate the agreement and the consequences of doing so.

For example, the agreement may require the party seeking to terminate to provide written notice to the other party, stating the reasons for termination. The notice period may vary, depending on the circumstances, but it should give the other party a reasonable time to remedy any breaches or negotiate a settlement.

Consequences of Termination

The consequences of terminating a trademark license agreement may also vary, depending on the terms of the agreement and the reasons for termination. However, some common consequences may include:

Loss of Rights: Once the agreement is terminated, the licensee may lose all rights to use the trademark. The licensor may also seek damages for any losses suffered as a result of the breach or termination.

Intellectual Property Issues: Termination of a trademark license agreement may create complex intellectual property issues, such as the ownership and use of any products or services developed using the licensed trademark.

Reputational Damage: Termination of a license agreement may harm the parties` reputation, especially if the termination involves a legal dispute or negative publicity.


Terminating a trademark license agreement can be a complex and challenging process, with significant legal and business implications. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with legal and business experts to ensure that the termination process complies with the terms of the agreement and applicable laws and regulations. By doing so, businesses can protect their intellectual property rights, reputations, and financial interests.